
 South Malekula Kava Farmers Cooperative at Fine Food Ltd

South Malekula Kava Farmers Cooperative at Fine Food Ltd

Vanuatu Cooperative Business Network team had successfully carried out a  critical marketing awareness in South Malekula. The VCBN team arrived back in Port Vila with around 800 Kg of Kava from the Kava Farmer Cooperatives in South Malekula.

The Kava then shipped to the Fine Food Factory Ltd for Processing. The Kava Farmers were very happy for the initiative that VCBN can create a link between them and the Factory directly.

The Kava Farmer Cooperatives also visited the factory and had a tour around the factory observing our their kava going through different process to the final product ready to be market to customers.

It was a life changing experiences for the Cooperative Kava Farmers with their understanding of the process they filled with joy to go back to the island and provide the best quality Kava that compliance with the processing standards.
